
Conquest Series Softcover Value Pack


Lenape Homeland
Lenape Homeland brings you inside council houses, family circles, and the hearts of the Lenape Indians in ways that historians have not. Imaginatively told from the viewpoint of master Lenape storytellers, this account is taken from oral history and stands in stark contrast to the often biased “pen and ink” tales of Whites who thought themselves civilized and believed the Indians to be only crude savages. Based on extensive research and written in gripping narrative.

Homeland in My Heart
Sage Meas, an Indian man, strains to comprehend the meaning of life as he interacts with settlers, traders, pirates, governors, Mennonites, soldiers, slaves, traitors, and his own people. He launches scathing attacks on the religious pretenses of Whites and mounts a defense of Lenape values and practices. Homeland in My Heart challenges many of the basic tenets of Whites—land ownership, kingship, war—by telling the Indian side of the story in this second volume in The Conquest Series.

Tomahawks to Peace
Nineteen-year-old John Heckewelder is taken captive by Big Indian, a savage from the Delaware tribe, and is renamed Turtle. In a complete re-education campaign, Big Indian shatters all the myths that Turtle had been taught about the Indians. Struggle with Turtle in his isolated and lonely condition as he tries to decide if the stories Big Indian tells are truth or if they are fabricated stories intended to make the Indians look better than the white people. The third volume in The Conquest Series.

Under Attack
The true story of the Lenape continues. More injustices happen, and even when the Indians respond peacefully, they are driven like cattle from one area to the next. Read how some of the Indians’ lives are changed as they choose to follow Christ through the influence of the Moravians in some of the earliest successful missionary efforts recorded in North America.

War Chief Conquered
War Chief Glikkikan fights a war in his heart. He struggles to give up his life as an influential chief, prophet, and orator and find peace in his heart. How can he forgive those who murdered his people? Volume five of The Conquest Series.

Black Clouds over the Ohioland
Black Clouds over the Ohioland tells of real events forced upon the Moravian Indian missions in the Muskingum Valley during three years of the Revolutionary War. This book lets you listen in as Isaac Glikkikan and John Heckewelder spar over how to respond to live bullets, scalping knives, and lying generals. Volume six of the Conquest Series.
War Chief Conquered

The Final Conquest
The story of how Isaac Glikkikan remained steadfast in his faith amid the terrors of war, betrayal by his beloved teacher, deportation, and starvation. Throughout the supreme tests Glikkikan endured, he still loved his fellowman and at last found a permanent homeland for his people. Volume seven of the Conquest Series.

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Author: James Landis, Binding: Softcover, Publisher: TGS International


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You save $15.93! when you buy Lenape Homeland, Homeland in my Heart, Tomahawks to Peace, Under Attack, War Chief Conquered, Black Clouds over the Ohioland and The Final Conquest by James G Landis.


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