Rosy could hardly wait. She was going to Grandmother’s house for the night! When she can’t sleep that night, Grandmother suggests something unusual: a tea party at midnight!
Meet Brenda the parachutist, who thought grocery bags would help her fly; Clark the scholar, who thought he was happy being miserable; and Toby the dawdler, who spent too long making himself a bubbly beard.
This book exposes spiritual and social dangers enabled or deepened by infotainment technologies. Insights from history, applicable Bible teachings, and observations from a wide range of writers, can help conservative Christians build convictions against entertainments that war against the soul.
How does it look in everyday life to give “a cup of cold water” to someone? Do you ever wonder how to reach beyond your doorstep and show compassion to those around you?
Freddy the cat lives on Happy Day Farm with the Pepper family. He is a good worker with a happy purr. But Freddy has a problem—he is afraid of everything. What discovery will help him overcome his fear?
ln an age of easily deleted emails and text messages, a diary provides a permanency to a person’s life. A well-kept diary contains interesting facts, personal insights, and fascinating bits of information, while actual handwriting provides familiarity missing in typed copy.
This book will help you realize there is a purpose for your pain and suffering. You can glean encouragement when your future looks bleak and be inspired in your darkest moments.