The Mystery of Christ in the Revelation


Written from an Anabaptist perspective, this book is an in-depth study of the entire book of Revelation. The author uses Scripture to understand the visions. Discover Revelation’s real message written to bring comfort and assurance in a time of trial and suffering.

Additional information

Weight2 lbs
Dimensions9.25 × 6.25 in

Binding: Hardcover, Publish Date: 2009, Pages: 615, ISBN: 9781885270979, Author: Ted Byler

1 review for The Mystery of Christ in the Revelation

  1. Bahler

    I have read this through about every two years for the last ten years. Each time I understand more, and am amazed how pertinent it remains with the changing of even most recent times. It covers Genesis – Revelation, showing the Mystery of Christ revealed. Very historical, very up to date, no fluff. Very inspiring to live for Jesus today and also look for a great tomorrow. The author draws from solid resources and avoids personal speculation on things that are a mystery.

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Written from an Anabaptist perspective, this book is an in-depth study of the entire book of Revelation.

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