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A Farm for Duncan


As a lad growing up in Scotland, Duncan MacLean enjoys working with cattle. But their small croft barely provides hay for two cows, and some years, their calves go as payment for the rent.

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Dewdill pitched in with chores in spite of her weak leg. She was responsible enough to care for a neighbor lady who also suffered from polio. One evening Dewdill found her patient lying still and quiet, barely breathing. What could she do to save Mrs. Hopewell’s life?

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“Yes, it is genetic. This mutation happened because you are Mennonites.” The doctor’s words felt like an indictment of their heritage of faith and the God who had preserved it.

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Rilla loved her home on the windblown Alberta prairies. Surrounded by fun-loving cousins and siblings, Rilla reveled in carefree moments and shivered through frightening ones: a night raider, an angry bull, a hailstorm, and a blizzard.

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Many people faced difficult decisions amidst the spiritual decline in churches in the 1960s. Relive these difficult experiences with Dale to gain a new appreciation for the Scriptural church and its leaders.

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Just what is God’s design for the kingdom of His dear Son?

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Have you ever thought you couldn’t do something, but then you were able to do it after all? Merle wasn’t a deer hunter, but when a buck walked into sight and stood within range, he knew he needed to try.

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Alison had come to the largest refugee camp in the world to show the refugees Jesus’ love, to help them learn to trust Him as their Savior.

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What would it be like if only you and a friend could attend your mother’s burial? Suppose you were a school student whom the authorities question about your church service?

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For the Dutch-speaking Mennonites of the 1570s, life was not easy. Not for Margi Ens and her family; not for Laurens van Groff and his family.

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As the church transitions out of persecution, Laurens and Margi in the Netherlands, and Janski and Frani in East Prussia, struggle with the question of what will happen to the purity of the faith. When will they find a land of true freedom?

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Twila sells fresh bread, cheese, and eggs in a mission setting in Bolivia. When Juan Montoya not only refuses to pay her but also laughs with his friends about cheating her, what should Twila do?

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