Inferno in the Lost Pines


Stunned at the orders to evacuate, residents of Bastrop, Texas, had little time to gather essential possessions and flee to safety. Inferno in the Lost Pines is filled with stories of people who had to make fast decisions when chased by a forest fire. In turn, they must make thoughtful decisions when building a new future. As they face the aftermath, they also search for shreds of grace and redemption in their smoldering circumstances.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Binding: Softcover, Size: 6 x 9, Publisher: TGS International, Pages: 228 plus 16-page color photo section, Publish Date: October 2013, Author: Katrina Hoover, ISBN: 9781939084767


Softcover, Mobi (Kindle), ePub


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Stunned at the orders to evacuate, residents of Bastrop, Texas, had little time to gather essential possessions and flee to safety.
